Canada – Vancouver

A different world, Day 320-331
After a long flight, which took us only 25 minutes 😉, we are happy to have landed again. In the first supermarket we stop and we enjoy after almost 9 months a Gruyere cheese from Switzerland 🇨🇭 👍😀
Vancouver we like extremely well. After such a long time in Asia, we enjoy the green parks, the well-kept city (except for the drug area, which is shocking), the active Canadians, the good bike paths, the outdoor shops and the cozy cafes everywhere. We’re slimming down weight on our bikes and luggage one more time because we want to cycle more mountain bike trails here in Canada and as well in the US. We are overwhelmed by the warm hospitality of our warmshower hosts Greg & Brittany, David & Andrea and the family Catherine & Joye with Manu! At this point a big thank you to all!

On Tuesday we have our interview appointment at the US Embassy. This is because we traveled through Iran. The visa is granted👍
On Wednesday we drive north on the sunshine coast highway. This tour was recommended to us. Unfortunately, the sun almost never shone and we had scattered showers. Luckily, there were three ferries up until Powell River and mostly it rained exactly then. We tested our bikes for trail suitability. The new, wider tyres with a good profile prove themselves and we enjoy the wooded, lonely trails.

Unfortunately we don’t see any bears, but we discover a snake, are frightened by a vulture and eagle 🦅, surprise a Canadian woodchicken and see a raccoon.😀.
No photos

Back in Vancouver we can pick up our passports with the USA visa at the post office. Now we can travel to the USA 🇺🇸 for 6 months each for the next 10 years.

Total distance: 415.79 km
Max elevation: 305 m
Min elevation: -8 m
Total climbing: 3394 m
Total descent: -3395 m


  1. Liebe JuAn
    imposante Stadt, wilde Trials, schöne Tieraufnahmen – Eure Fotos werden immer professioneller. Ein Reisebuch lässt sich später sicher schreiben und veröffentlichen (ihr braucht ja auch künftig Einnahmen wenn Ihr jährlich 6 Monate in USA reisen könntet).
    Eri hat uns und Werner/Ursi auf’s Schiff eingeladen, wir genossen die Zugersee-Rundfahrt und staunten wieder einmal wie wunderschön auch unsere Gegend ist.
    Herzlichi Grüess PaMa

    1. Hoi zäme, euer Kompliment freut uns sehr! Dann hat sich ja die Investition für die neue Kamera bereits ausbezahlt.😂 Nun hoffen wir natürlich auf weitere gute Modelle: Tiere können kommen🐻 liebe Grüsse an den schönen Zugersee Judith und Andi

  2. Hello!
    I’m glad you guys have traveled so far.And many good stories.
    You two are very good.on the way ahead.let’s have a good and simple story.😄🚲🚲

    1. Hello 🤗 wow, you still follow our website👍 Thank you very much for your comment. We hope, that you had a good time, too! It’s a long time ago since we were in Bangkok🤔. And yes in the meantime we have experienced a lot 😂🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️ Kind regards Judith and Andi

    1. Dear Lisa, what a surprise, that you write on our blog!🤗 Yes, it was nice to meet you. Stay tuned. Soon we will post our Washington post with a lot of interesting experiences 😀 Kind regards Judith and Andi

  3. It was a pleasure to meet the two of you last Wednesday in that little cafe in the community of Cherryville on hwy 6… My wife Dianne and I were the ones on the Harleys. I have been reading your blog… what an amazing adventure! Stay safe you two… I’m sure you will find a bear!

    1. Hi Dianna and Bob, nice to hear from you! 😂 Yes, of course we remember you! Thank you very much for your wishs! We hope to see a bear, too 🐻. Take care, too! Kind regards Judith and Andi

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